Ziran Muse: Candice Methe
By Kelly Shanahan
October 16, 2023
"I'm interested in the vessel as a metaphor. I think for me, growing up poor, one of the things that I've never really been able to let go of in my work is function. I feel like everything really has to have some sort of a purpose. But I am also interested in
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Ziran Muse: Lucien Shapiro
By Kelly Shanahan
August 20, 2023
Artist Lucien Shapiro is my ongoing muse and a deep source of inspiration. He has influenced the evolution of Ziran in many ways, from being more intentional, adapting a DIY mentality, focusing on craft, and embracing boundless creativity. I feel like before I met him Ziran was always trying to chase and grab things above, with arms flailing. Then after, Ziran is
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Ziran Muse: Kelly, Ziran Founder
By Kelly Shanahan
July 25, 2023
I figured it’s fitting for me to publicly share some thoughts and musings for the first time and my husband interviewed me. We also enlisted two friends to photograph what I've been working on
Ziran Muse: Sally Anderson
By Kelly Shanahan
May 05, 2023
I was nervous to meet Sally Anderson. This was in December and we had just arrived in Roswell, as Lucien received the RAIR (Roswell Artist-in-Residence) fellowship. We were invited to her house for a Christmas party. I had heard murmurings about her - she was 85 years old, lived alone in an epic art-filled home with delights around every corner, and
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Lunar New Year 2023
By Kelly Shanahan
January 20, 2023
We moved to New Mexico in early December and for the holidays my mom came to visit us. We did a special shoot with photographer Brad Trone at his studio in Santa Fe. I wanted to memorialize our multi-generational and multi-racial family, while also celebrating our expanded family, Lunar New Year, and some of Ziran's new prints.
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ZIRAN MUSE: Chelsea Wong
By Kelly Shanahan
April 18, 2022
I spent a few weeks in San Francisco while my husband was at a residency. During this time I got to hang, photograph, and interview Artist Chelsea Wong in her studio in the Mission. Instantly I was struck by Chelsea's magnanimous
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Showing 6-12 of 32 Results