By Kelly Shanahan
July 08, 2020

We designed and concepted this collection NATURAL ORDER over a year ago, in a time that feels foreign. There was no worldwide pandemic, no unprecedented and monumental civil rights movement in action, and no such thing as social distancing. Sure, we still understood the power of Mother Nature, how humans are depleting natural resources, and that social and racial injustices have deep permeating cuts throughout our society. But there was a greater sense of hope, of tranquility, and confidence in humanity. That has all changed.
But you want to know what hasn't changed? The underlying theme of our new collection, NATURAL ORDER. The idea here is that there is a balance that will always be in order, regardless of every weapon or power formed against prosperity and the flow of life. Man can only exist in a state of destruction and over abundance for so long until Natural Order is restored.
Maybe that's what's going on now - we are teetering on the edge but with collective and sustained action perhaps we can back off from the cliff. But first let's cut out the rot, the stains on our world, the mishandling of power, the inequitable distribution of wealth, and the degradation of the environment - so that balance can be restored. The phoenix rises from the ashes. NATURAL ORDER rises from destruction.
Maybe that's what's going on now - we are teetering on the edge but with collective and sustained action perhaps we can back off from the cliff. But first let's cut out the rot, the stains on our world, the mishandling of power, the inequitable distribution of wealth, and the degradation of the environment - so that balance can be restored. The phoenix rises from the ashes. NATURAL ORDER rises from destruction.
At Ziran, we promise to keep fighting, moving, pushing, prodding, hoping, dreaming, and advocating for a better world. This is the Ziran Way. Thank you for joining us on this journey.

Creative Direction: Kelly Wang Shanahan + Trayein Duplessis (@theziran)
Photography: Keith Oshiro (@keithoshiro)
Model: Stevan Journey (@stevanjourney)