The theme of this collection is endless possibility. Both in inspiration and in the garments themselves.
We worked with French artist Albane Simon to create surrealist-style collages that transcend reality and dip into the metaphysical landscape of the limitless. We walk on water, envelope ourselves in nature, and climb stairs into the unknown. We ascend out of the mundane and into imaginative worlds where anything is possible. We like living here.
In Daoism there is a classic meditation technique called zuowang 坐忘. It's described as "a state of deep trance or intense absorptions, where no trace of ego-identity is felt and only the underlying cosmic current of the Dao is perceived as real." One's Self evaporates and is forgotten. All limits are removed and there is only the Dao. The Dao is infinite.
We like this concept of constant transformation, and this collection's garments are a reflection of these ideas. This is our first Resort-style collection, and it's a flex of our love for versatile, multi-functional pieces. Like the wraparounds (which can be worn endless ways as skirts and dresses), dudou tops (reversible!), and everything scarves. These adaptable, easy pieces are meant to be heirloom, transitional objects to carry you in luxe luxury through all preferences and occasions.
Wherever you travel - physically, spiritually, consciously, in dreams or in reality - we hope you carry with you this collection's spirit of infinite possibility! Enjoy the journey.
Creative Direction: Kelly Wang Shanahan (@theziran)
Collage Art: Albane Simon (@albanesurrealcollagist)
Models: Cory Feder (@yesolpictures) + Lucien Shapiro (@lucienshapiro)
June, 2023.